
The key to a healthy marriage isn’t perfection, it’s perspective and perseverance. Perspective that God working and perseverance until He’s done.

Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realising you were the prisoner!

You will face frequent challenges in your marriage, but your heart must remain soft.

Here’s one key to every marital journey: fight side by side instead of against one another.

May your love be the kind that endures even when your spouse’s ugly is showing.

When we commit to a spouse for life, we are agreeing to enter a sacred union between two sinners and Jesus, and when you’ve got two sinners walking together over the years, you will see just how sinful he or she—and you—can be

When we learn to respond to each other rather than react, we will move much more quickly in our conflict toward resolution and reconciliation. Reactions only stoke the fires of conflict; responses, particularly godly ones, help us snuff out the conflict.

In too many marital conflicts, we work too hard at winning the argument and too little at winning the heart. You can express your feelings and thoughts, even share criticisms and complaints, but the end goal of marital conflict should be care for your spouse’s soul, not trying to rack up the most points. Seeking to win is not love.
"In too many marital conflicts, we work too hard at winning the argument and too little at winning the heart. You can express your feelings and thoughts, even share criticisms and complaints, but the end goal of marital conflict should be care for your spouse’s soul, not trying to rack up the most points. Seeking to win is not love."
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All growth happens in the valleys; real life exists between peaks.