The key to a healthy marriage isn’t perfection, it’s perspective and perseverance. Perspective that God working and perseverance until He’s done.
Only with time do we really learn who the other person is and come to love the person for him- or herself and not just for the feelings and experiences they give us.
I choose faithfulness: Today I will keep my promises. My debtors will not regret their trust. My friends will not question my word. And my family will not question my love.
What keeps the marriage going is your commitment to your spouse’s holiness. You’re committed to his or her beauty. You’re committed to his greatness and perfection. You’re committed to her honesty and passion for the things of God.
A good marriage isn’t something you find; it’s something you make.
Long-term marital intimacy requires accepting this truth: to stop giving yourself to your spouse is to spiritually divorce them
The next time feelings of love are sparse, remember that love is an action to be chosen.
The key to sustaining marriage is not in replacing bad light bulbs with new bulbs of the same nature, it’s in replacing your brokenness with Christ’s completeness.
Godly friendship is endearing, honest, encouraging, challenging, and deeply committed all at the same time.
Here’s one key to every marital journey: fight side by side instead of against one another.
May your love be the kind that endures even when your spouse’s ugly is showing.
The surrender of your will: If you do it right in marriage, you’ll enjoy the blessing of it. If you do it wrong, you’ll never really find the fulfillment in it.
Remember that your covenant is a framework designed by God for his glory, your health, and the benefit of generations to come.